
Get Your Scaleup Ticket

If you've surpassed the startup phase, boasting a solid clientele, impressive revenues, and a proven business model, then Scaleup With Wolves in Berlin is tailored just for you. Step into the spotlight and connect with VCs, Corporate VCs, and Investors eager to catapult your European or global expansion journey!

Free (20 tickets only)




  • 1x Onsite or online conference pass with the Matchmaking App
  • UNLIMITED meeting requests in Matchmaking App
  • Access to the Main Stage online
  • Investors & Partners book prior to the event
  • Feature on the Scaleup List




  • 1x Online conference pass with the  Matchmaking App
  • UNLIMITED meeting requests in Matchmaking App
  • Access to the Main Stage online
  • Investors & Partners book prior to the event
  • Feature on the Startup List
  • Logo & description on the Wolves Summit Investor page




  • 1x On-site conference pass with the Matchmaking App + Online access
  • All features from Startup Online pass
  • Lunch included
  • CVC and ScaleUp GreatPitch Awards Ceremony; plus VIP Networking Dinner

In-person VIP



  • 1x On-site conference passes with the Matchmaking App + Online access
  • All features from Startup In-person pass
  • Scaleup Digital Expo Area Booth (virtually on Brella - It looks like this
  • 7-min pitching slot in the ScaleUp Great Pitch Competition
  • Full Page Advert in Investors & Partners book prior to the event
  • Pop-Up Booth at the event to showcase your company InPerson
(*the Jury will select 15 companies to Pitch on-Stage from amongst the submitted ScaleUps, if you are not selected, you will be offered a refund or other benefits)